Smart Meter Installation Schedule 2023
- This flyer provides an estimated timeframe for smart meter installation by community across Colorado.
Installation Map CO 2022 | 2021
- This map provides an overview of the smart meter deployment phases for the Denver Metro Area.
- Interested in a high level overview of Xcel Energy's advanced grid? This video will provide helpful context.
Advanced Grid and Customer Experience Flyer
- This flyer provides context for for the advanced grid and how it will improve customer's experience.
Advanced Grid Safety and Security Flyer
- Interested in data security and saftey of smart meters? This flyer will answer your questions.
Smart Meter Installation Video
- This video provides a helpful summary explaining what to expect during your smart meter installation.
- Interested in learning more about the different types of meters? This flyer will answer all your questions.
Smart Meter Leave Behind if Unsuccessful Meter Installation Vendor | Xcel Energy
- This door hanger will be left with the customer if the installer visited the property but was unable to complete a smart meter exchange. There are 2 versions customers will receive based on which vendor attempted the install.
- Available in English and Spanish and provides contact information for questions.
Advanced Grid and Smart Meter Frequently Asked Questions
- Have questions about the advanced grid or smart meters? This document provides answers to commonly asked questions with helpful links to learn more.
- Have questions about how to read your bill with the new smart meters? This document provides answers to understand your bill.
- 90 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will send a notice to customers notifying them of the update.
60 Day Mailer English | Spanish
- 60 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will send a post card to customers notifying them of the update.
30 Day Letter English | Spanish
- 30 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will send this letter to customers reminding them of the update and providing details on the process.
Successful Smart Meter Leave Behind
- This door hanger will be left with the customer once a smart meter has been successfully installed.
- Have community members interested in opting out of a smart meter? This document provides helpful information on that process.
- This flyer provides helpful context on the fees associated with opting out of a smart meter.
Transition to Time of Use Rate FAQs
- This flyer provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding the transition to Time of Use rates.
- 90 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will notify Commercial customers.
- 60 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will send a postcard to Commercial customers notifying them of the update.
30 Day Letter English | Spanish
- 30 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will send this letter to customers reminding them of the update and providing details on the process.
Smart Meter Business Card English | Spanish
- An easily shared business card about Smart Meters available in several languages.