Ideally, you will assign a champion from your community who will help smooth the process of developing an Energy Action Plan and rolling out implementation. Our facilitators are supportive every step of the way by leading workshops and empowering the team with resources and energy expertise. Over the first six months of working together to develop your action plan, it may require up to 100 hours of time from your Partners in Energy champion. You will also need to identify a group of local participants to get involved in developing the plan. Throughout the planning and implementation, we will leverage your existing communications channels, such as your community website, social media, press media, newsletters or cable channels. Xcel Energy resources are there to support and provide tools and help throughout the process—but it is the community that owns the plan.
This website is one of the many ways Partners in Energy provides opportunities for communities to learn from and interact with one another. We hope that you use this site to share the story of your community’s energy journey. We’ll be posting training videos, discussions, and many relevant community updates regularly so be sure to visit often!
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