Page updated 3/4/2024
Building Efficiency
- Xcel Energy energy savings programs
- IRA direct pay tax credit (§179D) for interior lighting; heating, cooling, ventilation, and hot water systems; and building envelope improvements. For details, explore this Environmental Defense Fund IRA Building Efficiency Guide.
- Explore the American Cities Climate Challenge search tool for additional grant and other funding opportunities.
- State-specific:
- Colorado Energy Performance Contracting financing program.
- Colorado and Minnesota Xcel Energy Empower Facilities turnkey solution, including project support and financing options.
- Minnesota Local Energy Efficiency Program.
- Wisconsin Energy Innovation Grant Program.

- IRA direct pay tax credit (§48/§48E) for geothermal heat pumps. For details, explore this Environmental Defense Fund IRA Building Efficiency Guide.
- Explore the American Cities Climate Challenge search tool for additional grant and other funding opportunities.
- State-specific
- Colorado Energy Performance Contracting financing program.
- Colorado Energy Office Public Building Electrification Grant.
- Colorado Geothermal Energy Grant.
- Minnesota Local Energy Efficiency Program.
- Wisconsin Energy Innovation Grant Program.
Renewable Energy
- Xcel Energy renewable energy programs.
- IRA direct pay tax credits (§45, §45Y, §48, §48E, §48H) for renewable energy investment and production. For details, explore this Environmental Defense Fund IRA Renewable Energy Guide.
- State-specific
- Colorado Energy Performance Contracting financing program.
- Minnesota Local Energy Efficiency Program.
- Wisconsin Energy Innovation Grant Program.

Electric Vehicles (EVs)
- Xcel Energy fleet and charging infrastructure programs.
- IRA direct pay tax credits (§45W and §30C) for clean vehicles and charging infrastructure. For details, explore this Environmental Defense Fund IRA Fleet Electrification Guide.
- IRA Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Program provides grants/rebates through the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
- State-specific:
- Colorado Fleet-ZERO Grant.
- Colorado EV tax credit.
- Minnesota Electric Vehicle Rebate Program.