General Resources
- This map provides an overview of the smart meter deployment phases for Wisconsin.
- Interested in a high level overview of Xcel Energy's advanced grid? This video will provide helpful context.
Smart Meter Installation Video
- This video provides a helpful summary explaining what to expect during your smart meter installation.
- Interested in learning more about the different types of meters? This flyer will answer all your questions.
An easily shared benefits card about Smart Meter available in several languages.
Residential Resources
Advanced Grid and Smart Meter FAQs
- Have questions about the advanced grid or smart meters? This document provides answers to commonly asked questions with helpful links to learn more.
- Have questions about how to read your bill with the new smart meters? This document provides answers to understand your bill.
30 Day Letter English | Spanish | Hmong
- 30 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will send this letter to customers reminding them of the update and providing details on the process.
- Available in English, Hmong, and Spanish and provides contact information for questions.
Unsuccessful Doorhanger Meter Installation Vendor | Xcel Energy
- This door hanger will be left with the customer if the installer visited the property but was unable to complete a smart meter exchange. There are 2 versions customers will receive based on which vendor attempted the install.
- This door hanger will be left with the customer once a smart meter has been successfully installed.
Commercial Resources
- 90 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will notify Commercial customers.
- 60 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will send a post card to commercial customers notifying them of the update.
30 Day Letter English | Spanish | Hmong
- 30 days before smart meters are rolled out in a community, Xcel Energy will send this letter to commercial customers reminding them of the update and providing details on the process.
- An easily shared business card about Smart Meters available in several languages.